Singing Guide: Big Top

Singing Guide: Big Top

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Big Top, also known as Keith Ferguson, was the bassist and one of the lead vocalists of the Blues-Rock band, "The Fabulous Thunderbirds." His unique vocal tone and style has influenced many bassists and singers and is widely regarded as one of the best in the blues/rock genre.

To learn how to sing like Big Top, you need to understand how he uses his voice. Big Top's voice has a lot of power, which is perfect for the Blues Rock genre. His voice also has a lot of grit, which he uses to express emotion and add a distinctive character to his singing. Some of the best examples of Big Top's unique singing style are in the classic tunes "Wrap It Up" and "Tuff Enuff."

If you want to learn to sing like Big Top, I recommend going through the Singing Carrots course "Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting." This course explains how to use your voice to achieve a powerful, gritty tone, similar to Big Top. Additionally, the Pitch training and Vocal range test tools on Singing Carrots will help you understand your vocal range and pitch accuracy and improve them over time.

To further enhance your singing, watch the skill-related videos such as "Chest Voice Explained" on Singing Carrots. These videos help you understand your voice better, and if you learn how to use your chest voice, you can add more power to your singing.

Finally, remember to practice regularly and to always warm-up before singing. Some of the best warm-up exercises to improve your chest voice and use your diaphragm correctly can be found in the skill-related videos.

With consistent practice and guidance from Singing Carrots, you can learn to sing like Big Top and master the Blues Rock genre!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.